First one replied "It is SANITY , SYNERGYand STRENGTH".Because in all your dealings with people you will
need these qualities.Sanity implies reasonableness and ability to take rational decisions without losing balance.Synergy is
cooperative action.Strength is the ability to withstand force,pressure or stress !
Second one replied "It is UNDERSTANDING and UPRIGHTNESS ! Because in your dealings
you must first try to understand what other person wants to convey and then to be understood; and unless you are upright
people will not trust you !"
Third one replied "It is DILIGENCE and DARING! Because in the absence of diligence and daring
,any project cannot be undertaken and completed with a degree of satisfaction. Some degree of risk is inherent
in every undertaking ! "
Fourth one replied "KNOWLEDGE and KNOW-HOW ! Because one should not only posses knowledge but
also know how to put it to good use !"
Fifth one replied "OPTIMISM and ORGANIZATION" ! Because unless one thinks positively ,and organises
his thoughts and actions to serve humanity ,one cannot achieve anything worthwhile ! "
Sixth one replied "DYNAMISM and DEDICATION " ! Because these two qualities are required to push
through one`s agenda.The cause should be such as would help the mankind without hurting the environment ! "
The disciple went to his Guru and narrated whatever he had learned from these wise men. The
Rhishi told the disciple that one should try to imbibe these qualities and without worrying too much about outcomes
of one`s actions try to achieve the goals.He then asked the disciple "How would you remember what you have learned ?"
The disciple replied "I will always remember SUDKOD, which is an acronym for all these qualities
! "
The Rhishi said "Tathastu !" (So that be! )